TIER 4 LONDON - 20 December 2020
The latest LTA advice is available here, or click on button on right: The latest Government announcements and details are available here, or click on button on right: Check both sites regularly. They are updated dynamically and take precedence over anything we summarise here. Under Tier 4: - SINGLES ONLY - Unless you’re in a FAMILY BUBBLE - Be very careful to observe distancing. - Sanitise hands regularly. We do not want anyone catching this disease. We do not want the courts shut down because players have been irresponsible. Court Bookings: - Over Christmas and New Year the courts are not bookable but you can turn up and play on a first come first served basis. - Bookings start again w.e.f. 4th January 2021. Stay safe everyone |
The club issued guidance for all members in October covering sensible procedures and precautions. Please remind yourself of the guidance by clicking on button below.
Here is a copy of the Covid-19 Form that all match players must complete before play begins. Captains must email to opposing captains before every home match and print out and take a hard copy to every home match to secure signatures.